Tag Archives: Gisli Orn Gardarsson

01 Aug 2017

Thank you Bratislava

Thank you Eurokontext for hosting our Othello from the National Theatre of Iceland at the Slovak National Theatre…

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14 Jul 2017

The Heart of Robin Hood will open in Beverly Hills, LA on December 1st.

We know its still high summer, and although…

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21 Jan 2016

8 Broadway World Awards for the Heart of Robin Hood.

A huge congratulations to all our friends and creatives who just came out with 8 awards at the Brodaway…

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09 Sep 2015


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Eldfjörug fjölskyldusýning í leikstjórn Gísla Arnar Garðarssonar og Selmu…

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04 Jun 2015

The Heart of Robin Hood nominated in Canada.

Robin in Toronto1

Gisli Örn and Börkur Jónsson of…

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21 Dec 2014

Robin Hood in Toronto

Robin in Toronto1

The Vesturport team is flying around in the Sherwood…

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18 Jun 2014

Newsletter June 2014 – The Heart of Robin Hood awarded in Boston at the 32nd annual Norton Elliot Awards

VESTUR LOGO1 jpegthe-heart-of-robin-hood-dns-bergen4


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09 May 2014

The Heart of Robin Hood nominated for 5 Elliot Norton Awards in Boston.

The Heart of Robin Hood ART.

The Heart of Robin Hood receives 5 nomination for…

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15 May 2013

The 2013 Elliot Norton Awards in Boston

Metamorphosis was awarded the prize for Outstanding Visiting Production at The 2013 Elliot Norton Awards…

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05 May 2013

Börkur Jónsson wins The Danish Theater awards

Börkur Jónsson has been awarded The prestige Danish Theater awards Årets Reumert 2013 for his set…

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11 Apr 2013

Metamorphosis nominated for the 31st Annual Elliot Norton Awards in Boston.

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30 Nov 2012

Metamorphosis Video from Barcelona 2012

Vesturport visited Barcelona this summer with Metamorphosis. Getting great reviews and fantastic public acclaim this TV spot follows about…

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