Tag Archives: Selma Bjornsdottir

09 Sep 2015


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Eldfjörug fjölskyldusýning í leikstjórn Gísla Arnar Garðarssonar og Selmu…

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21 Dec 2014

Robin Hood in Toronto

Robin in Toronto1

The Vesturport team is flying around in the Sherwood…

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18 Jun 2014

Newsletter June 2014 – The Heart of Robin Hood awarded in Boston at the 32nd annual Norton Elliot Awards

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11 Apr 2013

Metamorphosis nominated for the 31st Annual Elliot Norton Awards in Boston.

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14 Mar 2012


Nú eru æfingar á gamanleiknum DubbelDusch að hefjast en sýningin sló eftirminnilega í gegn þegar hún var frumsýnd árið 2008….

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11 Jan 2012

The Heart of Robin Hood at the RSC selected by the Independent as one of the highlights of the year in UK Theater.

The Heart of Robin Hood at…

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11 Jan 2012

The Heart of Robin Hood at the RSC selected by the Independent as one of the highlights of the year in UK Theater.

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08 Dec 2011

The Heart of Robin Hood at the RSC

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08 Dec 2011

The Heart of Robin Hood premiere 2nd December

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12 Oct 2011

The Heart of Robin Hood at the Royal Shakespeare Company

Gísli Örn Gardarsson will…

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24 Sep 2011

Vesturport to Siberia with Metamorphosis at the Parallels Festival in Norilsk.

Metamorphosis will be performed in Norilsk, the northernmost city in…

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