Korriró premiere at Bíó Paradís.
The short film Korriró directed by Björn Hlynur Haraldsson was premiered at Bíó Paradís in Reykjavik on Thursday, December 22nd, and was well accepted by both premier guests and critics. Nína Dögg was especially praised for her role as the unfortunate homeless woman which stumbles into an enjoyable situation for one day, living her own version of the “Goldilocks” fairytale.
Stuttmyndin Korrió í leikstjórn Björns Hlyns Haralssonar var frumsýnd fyrir fullu húsi 22. des.
Hlaut hún gríðarlega góð viðbrögð jafnt hjá áhorfendum sem og gagnrýnendum.
Hægt er að nálgast nánari upplýsingar hér.