Tag Archives: Waren Ellis

15 May 2013

The 2013 Elliot Norton Awards in Boston

Metamorphosis was awarded the prize for Outstanding Visiting Production at The 2013 Elliot Norton Awards…

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30 Nov 2012

Metamorphosis Video from Barcelona 2012

Vesturport visited Barcelona this summer with Metamorphosis. Getting great reviews and fantastic public acclaim this TV spot follows about…

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28 Nov 2012

Faust US premiere at BAM 12th December 2012

FAUST, Nina Dogg Filippusdottir, Vesturport

Vesturport’s Faust will have it´s US premiere as a part…

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27 Jul 2012

Metamorphosis at GREC Festival de Barcelona 2012

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24 Jan 2012

Gísla Erni og Ingvari E. Sigurðssyni fagnað á frumsýningu Hamskiptanna í Osló.

Samstarfsverkefni Þjóðleikhúss Norðmanna í Osló…

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14 Jan 2012

Metamorphosis (Forvandlingen) at the Nationaltheatret in Oslo from 14th of January 2012

Metamorphosis will premiere at the Nationaltheatret in…

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24 Sep 2011

Vesturport to Siberia with Metamorphosis at the Parallels Festival in Norilsk.

Metamorphosis will be performed in Norilsk, the northernmost city in…

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20 Apr 2011

Michael Billington writes about Vesturport in St. Petersburg

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20 Apr 2011

Guido Lauwaert writes about Faust in St. Petersburg

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14 Feb 2011

Vesturport joins forces with Robin De Levita

FAUST, Hilmir Snaer Gudnason, Vesturport

Vesturport Theatre Group has joined forces with…

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10 Dec 2010

New York Times review of Metamorphosis

[caption id=”attachment_5470″ align=”alignnone” width=”600″ caption=”“Metamorphosis”: Gisli Orn Gardarsson, left, and Nina Dogg Filippusdottir in this adaptation of Kafka’s novella…

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09 Dec 2010

Metamorphosis in Malmö

A new production of Metamorhosis at the

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