Tag Archives: Vesturport

25 Jul 2012

Vesturport gerir Malmö / Vesturport does Malmö

Eftir arfaslakt sumar með endalausri rigningu og drunga, kemur Vesturportshópurinn í heimsókn til Malmö, og auðvitað tókum við sólina…

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01 Jul 2012

Bastard premiere in Malmö


Bastard – a family chronicle had it’s premiere in Malmö Mölleparken in the biggest…

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20 Jun 2012

“KORRIRO” selected for the SIFF2012 Short-Films Competition

The short film “KORRIRO” has been selected for…

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04 Apr 2012

Afmælissýning í kvöld á Rómeó og Júlíu.

Í tilefnis 10 ára afmælis Rómeó og Júlíu munum við setja sýninguna á svið á ný.. Fyrsta afmælissýningin er…

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29 Mar 2012

Rómeó og Júlía. 10 ára afmælissýningar

ROMEO & JULIET, Gisli Orn Gardarson, Nina Dogg Filippusdottir, Vesturport

Í ár eru 10 ár…

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14 Mar 2012


Nú eru æfingar á gamanleiknum DubbelDusch að hefjast en sýningin sló eftirminnilega í gegn þegar hún var frumsýnd árið 2008….

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07 Mar 2012


Vesturport, Malmö City Theatre, Theatre Får302 in Copenhagen and Reykjavik City Theatre from Iceland have united in a substantial…

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07 Mar 2012


Vesturport, Malmö City Theatre, Theatre Får302 in Copenhagen and Reykjavik City Theatre from Iceland have united in a substantial…

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10 Feb 2012

Korriró nominated for the Icelandic FIlm and TV award Edda 2012

The short film Korriró written and…

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01 Feb 2012

Axlar-Björn selected for the eleventh edition of the Theatre-Biennale NEW PLAYS FROM EUROPE

Axlar Bjorn, Atli Rafn Sigurdsson, Vesturport

The play Axlar-Björn written ad directed by…

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24 Jan 2012

Gísla Erni og Ingvari E. Sigurðssyni fagnað á frumsýningu Hamskiptanna í Osló.

Samstarfsverkefni Þjóðleikhúss Norðmanna í Osló…

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14 Jan 2012

Metamorphosis (Forvandlingen) at the Nationaltheatret in Oslo from 14th of January 2012

Metamorphosis will premiere at the Nationaltheatret in…

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