Tag Archives: Gisli Orn Gardarsson

29 Nov 2012

Four countries, six cites with your Vesturport shows close to you?

Vesturport will be performing Faust and Metamorphosis in many parts of the World over the next three months. Are…

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28 Nov 2012

Faust US premiere at BAM 12th December 2012

FAUST, Nina Dogg Filippusdottir, Vesturport

Vesturport’s Faust will have it´s US premiere as a part…

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29 Oct 2012

Bastarðar Vesturports frumsýndir í Borgarleikhúsinu.

Bastarðar Vesturports voru frumsýndir í Borgarleikhúsinu á laugardaginn sl. Mega stemmning var og stútfullt af celebum, frægum og fallegum…

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27 Oct 2012

Bastard Icelandic premiere in the Reykjavik City Theatre 27th October 2012

Bastard, with an all Icelandic cast and a revised adaptation…

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07 Sep 2012

BASTARD premiere in Copenhagen

Bastard – a family chronicle will have it’s Copenhagen…

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29 Jul 2012


Við frumsýndum BASTARD í gærkveldi við heilmikinn fögnuð. Það…

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27 Jul 2012

Metamorphosis at GREC Festival de Barcelona 2012

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25 Jul 2012

Vesturport gerir Malmö / Vesturport does Malmö

Eftir arfaslakt sumar með endalausri rigningu og drunga, kemur Vesturportshópurinn í heimsókn til Malmö, og auðvitað tókum við sólina…

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01 Jul 2012

Bastard premiere in Malmö


Bastard – a family chronicle had it’s premiere in Malmö Mölleparken in the biggest…

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04 Apr 2012

Afmælissýning í kvöld á Rómeó og Júlíu.

Í tilefnis 10 ára afmælis Rómeó og Júlíu munum við setja sýninguna á svið á ný.. Fyrsta afmælissýningin er…

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29 Mar 2012

Rómeó og Júlía. 10 ára afmælissýningar

ROMEO & JULIET, Gisli Orn Gardarson, Nina Dogg Filippusdottir, Vesturport

Í ár eru 10 ár…

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07 Mar 2012


Vesturport, Malmö City Theatre, Theatre Får302 in Copenhagen and Reykjavik City Theatre from Iceland have united in a substantial…

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