Tonight, we open the Heart of Robin Hood in Hong Kong.
Posted July, 05 2019
Tonight, we open the Heart of Robin Hood in Hong Kong. We had a group of local kids in today. For our second half. Our first Asian audience. It was magical. They were with it every minute. Half our set and all our costumes are still missing. But Kiki, Doris and the whole local team has now worked without a break for a very long time. Margret Einarsdottir, our costume supervisor has re-dressed the whole cast and sourced costumes through her connections. Oscar winning costume designers from the mainland, down to second hand shops in Mong Kok have been turned over. Set elements have been built on the mainland and sent over. All in less than a week. What a team and what a host the IAC has been. Agains all odds, there will be an opening in Hong Kong…and a pretty good one judging from today’s response.